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A D&D Actual Play Podcast

“Get in nerds, we’re hunting space dinosaurs”

The Homebrew is published weekly everywhere podcasts are found. We are veteran Dungeons & Dragons players who love phenomenal stories, endearing characters, and a good adventure. We are currently engaged in a re-imagined 5th Edition Sci-Fi campaign called “Absurdism & A Millennium Abroad.” Whether you’re new to D&D, a seasoned DM, somewhere in between, or just enjoy a good story, you’ve come to the right place. Join us while we explore the universe and push the boundaries.

Listen Anywhere Podcasts are Found.

Support The Show

Our Patreon directly supports the costs that go into producing this show weekly, conjuring insane amounts of bonus content from the void, more campaigns, streaming, tons of art and merch production, and more! Do not let our star go cold and succumb to the Darkness, and join us down the Path, and please consider becoming a patron of our show.

Love, The Homebrew Homecrew (Grant Mielke, Austin Brady, Tyrell Nye, Cody Smith, John “Pippin” Caley)

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Arts & Crafts

We love seeing all of the creativity out there! Keep it coming. We’d love to feature your artwork on social media and here on our website -


Sending Stone.

We’d love to hear from you! Either fill out the form or we can be reached at