C2 E12 - Evasion, Invasion, and Aviation

The Crew Hijacks an AV. Amidst the neon-drenched night of the dystopian cityscape, the Edgerunners embarked on their audacious mission to hijack an AV. However, fate had a different agenda. As the crew stealthily infiltrated Precinct 4, the digital realm became tantalizingly close, but the physical world emerged as a treacherous adversary. Their intrusion triggered the facility's guards, unrelenting robotic sentinels, and drones, that swiftly descended upon them. The air filled with a cacophony of gunfire and sparks as the Edgerunners fought to repel the mechanical assailants while desperately striving to maintain their focus on the prize.


C2 EP13 - Truffle Shuffle: Edgerunners on the Run


C2 EP11 - Rad Suits and Rubber Bullets