EP110 - Hang the DJ
The Crew Spends Their Time. The war comes to a sudden halt as both sides call off their armies. The crew returns to The Hawke to recoup, reassess, and reflect. On board, some decisions are made that will have implications that resound through the universe.
EP109 - You Can't Handle the Truth
The Crew Loses Their Way. With a war raging around them and Xorus skulking and working each opportunity he gets, the crew puts up the fight of their lives. Xorus doesn't seem too worried because he's ready to use one of his aces, but what's he up to? The crew's choice: 1 or 2.
EP108 - A Taste of the End
The Crew Messes With The Best. With the breach getting out of control, Xorus seems to have decided to solve this problem himself. Seven-on-one isn't fair but, when your opponent is one of the most devious people in the universe, you don't want to leave too much up to chance. Things went well in round one but, Xorus has some aces up his sleeve.
EP107 - Showdown With Destiny
The Crew Finally Gets Their Chance. After picking themselves up from the battle with the Godslayer the crew examines the battlefield. With so many ancient crystal dragons running amok, the breach has been well in our hero's favor. However, an urgent message comes through at the last moment, and it might just be the opportunity they have been looking for.
EP106 - Breaching the Lathender II IV
The Crew Gets Judged. Once more into the breach as we return to the fight. The crew faces down The Godslayer and its kill squad of giant fire-spewing demons. Not everyone is going to make it back.
EP105 - Breaching the Lathandar II III
The Crew Meets The Godslayer. As they reunite after the initial breach, the crew is shocked to see the altercation between Xalduin and Oliver. After a brief discussion with Oliver, the crew takes a moment to communicate and reassign targets to the generals after seeing the initial fallout. This will get worse.
EP104 - Breaching the Lathandar II II
Death Squad. We join the other half of the crew as the breach continues. A gigantic monster is forming in the middle of the bay, and our man Oliver has a strange look on his face. Death has returned to the battlefield, and this will not end pretty.
EP103 - Breaching the Lathander II
GRUNDLE SQUAD. We join the crew as the battle commences. The future of the universe is at hand, and the stakes are higher than ever. You better buckle up because it's going to be a hell of a ride.
EP102 - How Are We Doing This?
The Crew Plans a Full Frontal Attack. We join the crew as they enter the war room to plan their assault on the Lathandar II. With all their chips on the table, it's time to go all in. Go big or go home. But will anyone make out of the meat grinder alive?
EP101 - The Real Beach Episode
The Crew Parties Down. We return to The Hawke as the crew reunites after their mission at MediCorp HQ. Breaking news spreads across the galaxy of a newfound class 7 planet, but with the battle looming on the horizon, it's hard to take in. All the pieces of the puzzle are coming together, now is just a matter of time.
EP100 - Turn and Face the Strange
The Crew Breaks Off a Hundo. Fresh from his trip to the infinite hotel, we find Xalduin and the rest of our crew in CEO Greg Alexi's office. After a cordial discussion about ending the time distortion pill production, everyone goes to lunch and decompresses in Greg's deluxe apartment.
EP99 - Room #6
The Crew Makes Some Changes. Xalduin must confront his powers, bear their weight, and live with their consequences.
EP98 - Never and Nothing
The Crew Reforms Healthcare. The battle with Norman Alexi, the demi-god of PharmaCore who called themselves "The Inevitable," wages on. It's not looking good for our heroes. Something needs to change.
EP97 - Simply a Statistical Inevitability
The Crew Gets to the Core. After barreling through the production facility, Death meets an old friend: The Inevitable. The Crew finds the brains behind the PharmaCore operation. An offer is made and refused. The final showdown against Xoruz's medical supplier begins.
EP96 - Attack of the Clones
The Crew Fights Muscle With Muscle. We return to the slugfest as the crew hacks through the various clones operating the facility. The goal is to destroy the means of production, but how high a price are they willing to pay to do so?
EP95 - The Mother of All Clones
The Crew Argues Amongst Themselves. We return to a very awkward lunch break as Xalduin and Oliver stare each other down. After a strange elevator ride, the crew begins to uncover the dark secrets underneath Pharmacore HQ.
EP94 -Greg'ed
The Crew Breaks the Rules. After listening to the regional manager's proposal, the crew has to decide just how far they are willing to go to reach their goals. But for now, it's lunchtime, and Xalduin is hoping for a more peaceful solution.
EP93 - Wet Hobgoblin in an Elevator
The Crew Bleeps. After their troubling fights deep under Pharmaland, Nivitz puts their newly constructed keycard to the test. One short elevator ride later, the crew stumbles into a much fancier facility. After investigating, they receive an offer they can't refuse.
EP92 - Employee Satisfaction Quarters
The Crew Takes a Nap. Welcome to the Employee Satisfaction Quarters (patent pending) provided by our loving Pharmley family. Please ignore the eldritch horror stalking you throughout the premises.
EP91 - No Humanoids Allowed!
The Crew Breaks the Rules. With a pile of wrecked cars and cartoon mascots behind them, the crew resumes investigating Pharmacore's secret labs. Beyond this point, no humanoids are allowed, but rules are meant to be broken... right?